Dear alumni, current students, faculty, and staff:
Welcome to the Winter Newsletter! It has been a very busy fall in the Department of Geology and Geophysics and we apologize for the delay getting this newsletter sent out. This issue of the newsletter we will introduce you to Juan Carlos Laya, the department’s young carbonate sedimentologist and sequence stratigrapher (me being the old one)! This semester we celebrated the excellent renovation of the Dudley Hughes Lecture Hall (Halbouty 101), and it was inspiring that Mrs. Robbie Hughes (Dudley’s wife) and some of her family were present for the re-dedication ceremony. Mrs. Hughes also made a large gift to the department to provide for a state-of-the-art undergraduate microscopy center. Thank you, Robbie!
This fall the Center for Tectonophysics celebrated its 50th Anniversary with an entire weekend of exciting activities. The dinner on Saturday night was incredibly fun seeing many of the past and present members of the center and listening to all their remembrances of the growth of this center. The passing of Dr. John Spang soon after the Center for Tectonophysics celebration was very sad and we express our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Terry, and his family.
The Berg-Hughes Center (BHC) hosted its 8th Annual symposium at the Memorial Student Center and over 100 people from the BHC and many leaders from the petroleum industry participated so it was very successful. In November we also had our first Academic Program Review since 2010. During this process four eminent scientists from some of our peer institutions spent three days in our department meeting faculty, staff, and students, and touring our facilities. In the end they provided us with their recommendations to help us reach our departmental aspirations in the near future. Their recommendations will be the basis for a new department strategic plan and by-laws we should have in place by next summer. In December we awarded 45 undergraduate, 11 master’s and two doctoral degrees to students - by far our biggest December graduation ever! Congratulations to all the new graduates!
We are looking forward to another busy, productive year in 2018, but before that we hope that your holiday season was fun, exciting, restful, and healthy. We look forward to seeing all of you in the new year in Aggieland.
All the best,
Dr. Mike Pope

Dr. Juan Carlos Laya
Dr. Juan Carlos Laya joined Texas A&M’s faculty in 2013 as a research professor and in 2015 as an assistant professor.
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Monarch Mountain Research
Two Texas A&M University geophysics professors, Drs. Masako Tominaga and Patrick Fulton, recently conducted field work on Monarch Mountain in British Columbia, Canada with the accompaniment of undergraduate, Noah Vento, and a science writer, Rebecca Fowler.
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Publication in Nature
Dr. Franco Marcantonio, former Ph.D. student, Matthew Loveley, and former B.S. student, Marilyn Wisler, were published in Nature Geosciences for their article titled “Millennial-scale iron fertilization of the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 100,000 years.”
Read MoreDr. Michael Heaney Retires
After over 18 years in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, Dr. Michael Heaney announced his retirement.
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Dave Sparks Awarded
During the College of Geosciences holiday banquet and awards ceremony, the Dean’s Distinguished Award for Faculty Excellence in Service went to Dr. Dave Sparks, professor of geology and geophysics.
Read MoreDr. Rick Carlson Now Emeritus
The Department of Geology and Geophysics awarded Dr. Rick Carlson an emeritus professor position after 40 years as a geophysics professor.
Read MoreDepartment News
Gift from Robbie Hughes establishes the Dudley J. Hughes ’51 Teaching Microscopy Lab
A legendary Aggie geologist’s family has continued his legacy of excellence and generosity with the establishment of a new teaching laboratory equipped with the latest technology.
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Center for Tectonophysics Celebrated 50th Anniversary
To celebrate the many achievements in education, research, and service over the past 50 years, the Texas A&M Center for Tectonophysics hosted their 50th Anniversary celebration the weekend of October 13-14, 2017.
Read MoreThese Geology and Geophysics Students Learned What it Takes to be a Chief Scientist at Sea
The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds a cruise ship operated by the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) that provides Early Career Seismic Chief Scientist Training.
Read MoreGeology & Geophysics 2017 Department Holiday Party
The Department of Geology and Geophysics celebrated the holidays and the end to 2017 at the annual Department Holiday party.
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Meet Suzanne Rosser
Suzanne Rosser holds the Senior Academic Advisor position in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, where she works with undergraduate students in the program.
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Debra Stark Retires
Former Business Associate in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, Debra Stark, has announced her retirement from the College of Geosciences.
Read MoreAccolades
The 2017 Berg-Hughes Symposium
Students from both the Department of Geology & Geophysics and the Department of Petroleum Engineering participated in the eighth annual Berg-Hughes Research Symposium this past November.
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From The Himalayas To ExxonMobil, This Aggie Geology Grad Is Ready For Anything
Standing at the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains is a moment Melanie Bowen will never forget.
Read MoreMark McCann Awarded
Mark McCann, senior information technology professional, was honored with a 2017 Dean’s Achievement Award for Exemplary Staff Services.
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Department of Geology & Geophysics December 2017 Graduation
Congratulations to all the undergraduate and graduate students who graduated December 15th from the Department of Geology & Geophysics!
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Students Participate in 2017 SEG Conference
This past Sept. 24-29, 2017 students and faculty attended the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) 88th Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas
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Students Attend 2017 GSA Conference
Oct. 22-25, 2017 students and faculty attended the Geological Society of America (GSA) 129th Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington.
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The 2017 AGU Conference
On Dec. 11-15, 2017 students and faculty attended the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Read MoreGiving

Supporting Geology and Geophysics
As part of the Lead By Example Campaign, the Department of Geology & Geophysics is redefining the way the world recognizes the critical career fields and the unique skillsets of our graduates. At Texas A&M, we seek to attract the best and the brightest students to our programs by offering competitive scholarships and graduate fellowships. Delivering on the promise of a little to no debt education and delivering unparalleled quality training programs.
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Department’s Field Camp Endowment Goal
Whether you make an impact by supporting the annual fund, a major gift for academic or high impact learning programs, or by establishing an endowment through a planned giving strategy, your support is critical.
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