Dr. Lei Hu
Former Student Spotlight
Name: Dr. Lei Hu
Degree: Ph.D. in Oceanography 2012
Current Position: Research Scientist at NOAA/CIRES
What degrees do you currently hold?
I graduated from Ocean University of China with a B.S. in Chemistry in 2007. I graduated from Texas A&M University with a Ph.D. in Oceanography in 2012. My research advisor at Texas A&M was Dr. Shari Yvon-Lewis.
What drew you to Texas A&M Oceanography?
Texas A&M University is a renowned institution with a strong oceanography program. That is what drew me to Texas A&M Oceanography.
How has your Texas A&M Oceanography education influenced your personal growth and professional success?
I was influenced strongly by my graduate advisor, Dr. Yvon-Lewis. She taught me to be persevere, cool, and innovative in pursing research questions. She respected and trusted every graduate student in her lab as an independent scientist. I think this is important for mentoring younger scientists. She has been helping and guiding me on my career choices. She has been a great mentor to me.
What are you doing now?
I am currently a Research Scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder. My research focuses on quantifying sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances using atmospheric observations. This provides key observational-based data to evaluate national- and state-level compliances with emission mitigation policies and emission changes related to specific economic and industrial activities. It also supplies critical measurement-based information on ecosystem changes associated with changing climate.
What’s one specific piece of advice you might give to current Oceanography students?
Be passionate on your research project! You may discover something different.