Jason Sylvan Joins the Department of Oceanography
Sep 25, 2015
The Department of Oceanography welcomes Jason Sylvan as assistant professor.
Jason Sylvan received his master’s and doctoral degrees from Rutgers University, specializing in biological oceanography, and his bachelor's degree in Biology from Brandeis University. His research focus is microbial ecology of marine hydrothermal ecosystems and subseafloor basaltic crust, molecular ecology, geobiology, biogeochemistry and nutrient cycling. His dissertation was “Assessing Multiple Indicators of Nutrient Limitation in Marine Phytoplankton on the Louisiana Continental Shelf.”
Sylvan most recently was a postdoctoral fellow and assistant research professor at the University of Southern California before coming to Texas A&M University.
Sylvan is not new to the Department of Oceanography. He started graduate school here before following his advisor to Rutgers and taught an introductory oceanography lab in the fall and spring semesters of 2001–02. He also presented a seminar featuring his research in August 2014.
Sylvan has more than 20 publications, 10 of which he served as the main author. He is a member of the Scientific Evaluation Panel for the U.S. Advisory Committee for Scientific Ocean Drilling, which reviews ocean drilling proposals.
By: Emily Peter '15