Workshop held to share current science and future effects of climate change

Mar 10, 2014

Texas A&M faculty from the College of Geosciences will present two sessions on the current state of climate science, March 10 and 17. 

“A lot of misconceptions and myths still remain, even among scientists,” said Gunnar Schade, associate professor of atmospheric sciences, and coordinator of the workshop. “We want to help the university community better understand the issues surrounding this critical topic.”

The workshops are free and geared toward faculty, researchers and lecturers across campus.

The workshops are offered in conjunction with the recently published Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report from Working Group I, which addresses the physical evidence, and just before the Working Group II report due March 31, which discusses impacts and vulnerability.

Faculty participants include atmospheric science professors Andrew Dessler, Gerald North, John Nielsen-Gammon, R. Saravanan, and Gunnar Schade.

Addressing A&M administrators and staff on March 21, Schade and North will present “It’s real, it’s us, and it’s going to be bad” at the Coffee Conversations sponsored by the Employee and Organizational Development office. Employees can learn what climate their children and grandchildren will inherit and how the College of Geosciences is contributing to climate research and public education.


Climate Change Workshops

9 a.m.–1 p.m., March 10 and 17, 2014

Room TBD, Eller O&M Building


9–9:15             Introduction and collection of audience questions

9:15–11           15-min short presentations by Atmospheric Sciences faculty with 10-min Q&A sessions. Focus is on IPCC consensus science

11–11:30          Interactive: The most common climate myths and how to address them

11:30–12:30     Box lunch with open discussion

12:30 –13:00    Wrap-up: latest developments, discussions and impacts


Please send reservations for box lunches by the Friday before the workshop to Gunnar Schade at